Favourite Places
Here’s a list of some of my favourite places on the internet - updated every now and then! :)
- Ayaan Zaidi1
partTime(engineer && brother)
, full time Nathan Drake. - Rohan Garg.
partTime(engineer && brother)
, full time humorist. - James Mickens. Systems engineering idol.
- Gwern Branwen. ???
- Brendan Gregg. Linux performance!
- Julia Evans. Lovely infographics on complex UNIX and networking topics/concepts.
- Bryan Cantrill. See: shouting in the datacenter.
- Amos Wenger, better known as fasterthanlime. Great Rust content.
- Julia Przybysz. My favourite YouTube bassist.
- Rich Brown. My favourite YouTube bass instructor.
- Alicia Guo. Some of the best computational art2 I’ve come across.
- Molly White. Great coverage on Web3 and tech in general.
- Coding Horror by Jeff Atwood, co-founder of StackExchange.
Other websites
- Slashdot. For tech news and discourse.
- Hacker News. Same as above, but more focused on engineering.
- r/sre!
- LessWrong3. De facto rationalist blog, I think?
- Ableton’s learning music page.
- Advent of Code. For practicing new languages :)
- The Convivial Society. Newsletter on technology and society.
- The Reporters’ Collective. Investigative journalism outfit based in India. Collborative and independent.
- CodeCrafters. Platform for writing complex software.
- pwnable.kr. Great wargame website.
- Jane Street’s Signals and Threads podcast.
- Yale’s Introduction to Theory of Literature videos.
- Hacker News Blogroll. Great way to discover personal blogs.
- Poetry Foundation - for discovering new poems, collections by theme, etc.
- IndieWeb.
- Cryptopals crypto challenges. Learn cryptography by solving problems.
- Empire, my favourite history podcast.
- Nownownow.com - personal blogs, organized by what people are working on right now.
- r/moths, r/otters, r/superbowl :3
- Strange Horizons. Weekly magazine for speculative fiction.
- neal.fun. Fascinating, intriguing, fun.
- The Whimsical Web. Collection of fun, odd websites.
- Strange Loop Conference YouTube channel.
- Tiny Awards - awards to celebrate personal4 internet.
- ZINE. Independent publication on culture, society, tech, etc.
- Phrack. By hackers, for hackers.
- Web3 is Going Just Great.
Among other things, Ayaan’s also the creator of Musée, which is what I use to host my photo stream. ↩
I recommend visiting Notes On Love. ↩
I should mention that I’m not a rationalist myself. I read a post or two every now and then, and revisit a few favourites, e.g. 100 tips for a better life. ↩
From the website’s description, personal web is “small and handmade and isn’t trying to sell you anything or monetise anything but which instead is about people using the digital tools we all have access to to make the sorts of small, personal experiences that you tend not to see “in feed”.” ↩